Life & Pension

Tailored pension solutions with low fees and simplified administration, for you and your co-workers.

We make you attractive

A good occupational pension solution for your employees makes you attractive as an employer. We want to help you with this.

  • A sustainable occupational pension
  • A strategic partner
  • Personal advice
  • Seamless digital administration
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Söderberg & Partners offers various types of advice that can be adapted to the company’s pension plan and the employee’s level of interest and knowledge. You will receive:

  • Advice for anyone who would like it
  • Assistance with cost control and digital systems
  • Access to personalized analyses
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Sustainable occupational pension

By offering a sustainable occupational pension, your company have the opportunity to take responsibility for your indirect impact. You will receive:

  • A selection of sustainable options
  • Assessment of the sustainability level of the occupational pension
  • Communication tools
  • The opportunity for active influence at an individual level
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Group Insurance

For employers who want to offer their employees excellent benefits.

  • Better terms and pricing
  • Straightforward health rules
  • Easy administration
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This is included for you as the employer

Insurance policy administration

  • Administration of insurance company
  • Electronic reporting
  • Ongoing insurance audits
  • Strategic pension services
  • Procurement of terms and conditions from the insurance companies
  • Procurement of Insurance fees

Strategic advice

  • Advisory responsibilities
  • Business Service Online

Our advisors get top marks

Highest number of satisfied customers, for the twelfth year running.

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Söderberg & Partners Insurance Consulting AB

Söderberg & Partners Insurance Consulting AB is behind our offer in occupational pension consulting.